COVID-19 Resources
EXCELth is providing COVID-19 Community testing at our 3 New Orleans locations in Gentilly, Algiers, and New Orleans East. All patients are welcomed regardless of immigration status. Don't have health insurance? It's okay, Excelth is providing testing for the uninsured at no cost to you.
For more information on COVID-19:
ready.nola.gov (City of New Orleans)
COVID-19 FAQs for Health Centers (HRSA)
CDC Official Updates on COVID-19 (CDC)
Louisiana Official Updates on COVID-19 (LDH)
Text LACOVID to 898-211 for updates from the LA Dept of Health.
Louisiana 211 is partnering with the Louisiana Department of Health to ensure citizens have access to current and accurate information on COVID-19. Dial 211 for immediate answers to your questions.
Flyer: Symptoms of COVID-19 (CDC)
Flyer: Stop the Spread of Germs (CDC)