Our History
Ground work and planning for primary care services in New Orleans. Building trust and credibility with federal officials and other stakeholders to receive federal funds for primary care services in New Orleans.
Mayor Sidney Barthelemy convenes the Task Force on Primary Care.
City of New Orleans Health Department publishes the Needs Assessment for Primary Care in New Orleans.
Formal establishment of EXCELth, Incorporation as a Louisiana not-for-profit corporation.
United States Department of Health and Human Services, Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) gives contingent approval for funding the EXCELth, Inc. Primary Care Network (EXCELth)
HRSA approves EXCELth to receive Health Center Program funding, along with Federally Qualified Health Center (FQHC) designation.
EXCELth Primary Care Network includes: Algiers and St. Bernard Community Health Centers (operated by the City of New Orleans Department of Health) and Central City and Desire/Florida Health Centers (operated by the New Orleans Health Corporation).
City of New Orleans and EXCELth collaborate for Great Expectations/New Orleans Healthy Start Project.
Expands perinatal capacity in community health centers through the federal Comprehensive Perinatal Care Program grant award.
Rural Health Primary Care provides funds in support of the Algiers Community Health Center.
Dental services commence at the Central City Health Center.
City of New Orleans works with EXCELth to establish the Target Cities Program, funded through the Center for Substance Abuse and the Infinity Network, a residential substance abuse treatment program for pregnant and postpartum women and their dependant children.
Adds a Social Services Department and Ryan White Title II Case Management services to its service delivery mix.
Johnson & Johnson honors EXCELth with a Johnson & Johnson Community Health Care Crystal Award for the School Based Health Consortium.
City of New Orleans contracts with EXCELth to provide staffing (executive director) for the Booker T. Washington School-Based Health Center.
The first EXCELth Pharmacy opens at the Central City Multi Purpose Center.
Receives funding for the Jr. Health Career Opportunity Program to recruit more minorities into health careers.
Louisiana Primary Care Association elects Michael Andry as President.
Establishes the Ryan White Title II Medication Assistance Program.
City of New Orleans contracts with EXCELth to provide Healthcare for the Homeless pharmacy services.
The second EXCELth Pharmacy opens at the Desire/Florida Health Center.
EXCELth is a founding member of the Healthy New Orleans Partnership that later develops a Public Health Improvement Plan for New Orleans.
Unity for the Homeless funds beds for the Infinity Network.
EXCELth receives federal grant award to establish the EXCELth Family Health Center-New Orleans East as a BPHC new access point.
The Centers for Disease Control awards a grant to implement EXCELth's HIV Prevention services.
EXCELth brings the Infinity Network Project under its umbrella and receives licensure to operate as a substance abuse treatment facility.
EXCELth receives a Capacity Building grant to establish Early Intervention Services (EIS), comprehensive primary care services to persons living with HIV/AIDS.
The EXCELth Family Health Center (EFHC) opens in eastern New Orleans. This clinic becomes the first primary care site with EXCELth as the direct health care provider. Pfizer's Pharmaceutical Company sponsors the EXCELth Family Health Center‘s grand opening to showcase the facility and Pfizer's Sharing The Care program.
The Primary Care Network relationship with the New Orleans Health Corporation ends.
Works with the Medical Center of Louisiana for the Reach 2010 Program to improve health outcomes in diabetic patients.
Infinity begins age-appropriate curriculum for the various youth groups within its program, from birth to 15 year old. Infinity becomes a "learning center" for the Southern University of New Orleans School of Social Work. Students work with the children's program each year, providing supportive parenting counseling, child case management, parenting groups, and life skills groups for the children.
Offers Early Intervention Services (EIS) at EFHC thus expanding access to an underserved population - persons living with HIV/AIDS.
Infinity Network develops a computer learning lab for the at-risk children within its program.
Participates in the HRSA Health Disparities Collaborative designed to improve the health status of patients with cardiovascular conditions.
Receives new CDC grants to expand the HIV Prevention Program.
The Daughters of Charity Services (DOC) of New Orleans joins the EXCELth Primary Care Network, boosting the network clinic sites to four: Daughters of Charity Health Center at Carrollton; EXCELth Family Health Center; St. Bernard Health Canter; and Algiers Community Health Center.
The HIV Prevention Program extends into the Latino communities.
EXCELth becomes a contractor for the behavioral health services component of the Metro Access Program.
St. Bernard Health Center becomes the initial screening site for the Public Outreach Depression Program, a partnership of the Department of Health and Hospitals' Office of Mental Health, City of New Orleans Health Department, and the Tulane University School of Medicine.
The Behavioral Health Integration program that integrates mental health into primary care services becomes operational at EXCELth clinic sites.
Hurricane Katrina causes major damage, evacuation of most of the population, and the loss of network clinic sites and programs.
Following Hurricane Katrina, EXCELth temporarily relocates to Baton Rouge. The EXCELth Family Health Center and HIV Prevention services re-establish themselves in Baton Rouge. EXCELth also initiates new mobile medical services and behavioral health services in Baton Rouge.
EXCELth Primary Care Network sites are early responders in the New Orleans area. The Algiers Community Health Center reopens in September while the Daughters of Charity Health Center re-opens in a new location, a RV in Jefferson Parish.
The Johnson & Johnson Foundation recognizes EXCELth with a Health Leadership Award for the agency's response to Hurricane Katrina.
A United Health Foundation Community Health Center of Excellence is established at the Daughters of Charity Health Center- St. Cecelia.
The Children's Defense Fund (CDF) awards funding to provide a mobile medical unit and school-based health services in New Orleans.
EXCELth Family Dental Center opens in Baton Rouge.
Mobile medical services extend to New Orleans communities.
EXCELth receives significant funding to restore primary care services in New Orleans and to support uncompensated care provided to uninsured patients.
The agency conducts its first EXCELth Employees Resilience Retreat in Baton Rouge.
Launches innovative telepsychiatry services at the EXCELth Behavioral Health Center in Baton Rouge.
Receives a Primary Care Access and Stabilization Grant award from the Louisiana Public Health Institute. The Louisiana Office of Minority Health provides a Multi-Cultural Grant to support community-based diversity events.
Initiates Children's Defense Funds school-based health services at Craig Elementary School.
AstraZeneca Relief Fund awards $17,000 grant to aid Algiers Community Health Center's Post Katrina recovery.
EXCELth closes Mobile Medical Services in Baton Rouge as more displaced persons find permanent housing and health care services.
Partners with Dillard University for the creation of a community health center at the Dillard University Student Union, Recreation, Health, & Wellness Center.
American Red Cross awards funds for FUTURES, a behavioral health program for children and adolescents.
Closure of the EXCELth Family Health Center in Baton Rouge and end of the Early Intervention Services program in New Orleans.
Algiers Community Health Center implements electronic health records into its system.
National Committee for Quality Assurance (NCQA) recognizes Daughters of Charity Services of New Orleans' three community health centers and the Algiers Community Center as Physician Practice Connections-Patient Centered Medical Homes (PPC-PCMH) - Level 3, a special achievement for meeting quality health care standards.
United Health Care Foundation launches the Faces of Hope Campaign to highlight the important role of Community Health Centers as health care safety net providers for the nation's underserved and uninsured populations. EXCELth, Inc. Primary Network clinics and staff, along with other community health centers across the nation are featured in the campaign book.
Garners major gifts and support for the 2009 National Health Center Week activities that were conducted to improve access to care for the uninsured and medically underserved in New Orleans and Baton Rouge.
Beulah Baptist Church of Poughkeepsie, New York donates its Katrina Fund proceeds to EXCELth in support of patients still impacted by Hurricane Katrina and for publishing and distributing the the Kids Stuff Resource Directory.
Produces KIDS STUFF, a resource directory that focuses on community resources geared for children, such as healthcare, nutrition, and mental health, and social service programs.
EXCELth mobile medical units implement electronic health records for patients at all service sites.
Convenes a H1N1 Committee in response to widespread influenza activity across the state and nation. Committee members include representatives from EXCELth, LA. Office of Public Health and City of New Orleans Health Department.
Kicks off H1N1 Immunization drives at Craig Elementary School, Dillard University, Southern University at New Orleans and other community locations and provides 583 H1N1 vaccinations.
The Louisiana Primary Care Association features EXCELth in the November 2009 issue of The Primary Network. The article, entitled "EXCELth Aggressively Reaches Out to the Medically Underserved In New Orleans and Baton Rouge", describes EXCELth's Health Center Week activities and includes event photos.
Establishes the EXCELth Workplace Wellness Program to encourage employees to improve their health and well-being.
Conducts successful National Health Center Week events as part of a week long campaign (August 8-14) to raise awareness about the mission and accomplishments of America’s Health Centers. Events include Community Health Fair/Opening Announcement of the EXCELth Family Health Center - Gentilly, Workplace Wellness Health Fair, educational displays and book bag giveaways.
Works with the Morehouse School of Medicine, LPCA and others to implement the ABCD Program, an educational program that promotes healthy lifestyles for individuals with diabetes or at risk for diabetes.
EXCELth, Inc. opens two new health centers: The EXCELth Family Health Center – Gentilly and the EXCELth Family Health Center – Algiers. Both health centers provide comprehensive primary health care, expanded service hours, discounted fees and supportive services.